Category: Taxation

Fine Gael's 3:1 Ratio

Nat O'Connor 19/10/2010

Nat O'Connor: Fine Gael has given some useful clarity on their fiscal policy position with the declaration that they would seek €1 billion in tax …

IBEC and Social Justice Ireland call for Higher Taxes (Revised)

Nat O'Connor 06/10/2010

Nat O'Connor: IBEC (in their pre-Budget submission) have proposed that Ireland's level of taxation should be 36 to 38 per cent of GNP. Social Justice …

Invest, tax and restore spending cuts: Challenging the deflationary orthodoxy

Michael Taft 23/09/2010

Michael Taft: Previous posts by Paul Sweeney and Sinéad Pentony refer to articles from two newspapers which occupy different ideological zones. Yet …

The bearable lightness of taxation

Michael Taft 16/09/2010

Michael Taft: In the run-up to the budget we will hear a lot about the ‘dangers of high taxation’. This will be used to justify a programme of …

Community Platform proposals on taxation


Tom O'Connor spoke at yesterday's launch of the Community Platform's proposals for progressive tax reform, 4 Steps 2 Recovery. Below is his response …

Seven Principles for Progressive Income Tax

Nat O'Connor 10/09/2010

Nat O'Connor: On an earlier post about indirect tax, I was asked to sketch out some principles about income tax. Specifically, the questions were …

IFSC shadow of its intended self


In an opinion piece for the Irish Times today, Jim Stewart concludes that "In the short term, changes in tax regimes raise issues for economies …

Were we reckless spenders?

Tom McDonnell 20/08/2010

Tom McDonnell: Tuesday’s €1.5 billion bond auction by the National Treasury Management Agency ensures that Ireland will successfully get through …

US Lessons on the Failure of Pension Tax Arrangements

Sinéad Pentony 12/08/2010

Sinéad Pentony: Last week, Professor Teresa Ghilarducci's spoke at a pensions seminar co-hosted by TASC, TCD Pension Policy Research Group and the …

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Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …

Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …

Robert Sweeney

Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …
