Category: Democratic accountability
6 Takeaways from TASC’s Workshop on Strengthening Irish Democracy in an Era of Democratic Decline
On September 10th, TASC gathered a diverse group representing government, business, civil society, media, and community groups to discuss challenges to Irish democracy and actions we could take to address these threats. Following this engaging dialogue, Minister Eamon Ryan offered a keynote address breaking down his vision for the future of …
What Is The Point? The Difference The Left Can Make
Stella Creasy 16/10/2023
In his essay Ireland, Island of Saints and Sages James Joyce quotes Oscar Wilde saying ‘We Irishmen have done nothing, but we are the greatest …
Neo-Liberalism and Neo Classical Economics in Ireland
Paul Sweeney 12/06/2023
The President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins' speech at the 21th of anniversary of TASC in April 2023, caused a lot of reaction from mainstream …
Innovate for Ireland
Paula Tumulty 14/07/2022
Innovate for Ireland: Is this scheme an extension of privilege and elitism or a new opportunity to contribute to democracy and equality? PhD …
We Must Strengthen the Democracy We are Trying to Defend
Shana Cohen 12/04/2022
First Published in the Irish Times 6 April 2022 The conflict in Ukraine has united democracies around the world, just as it has pushed Russia further …
Essential workers: visible and invisible, organised and unorganised
James Wickham 03/02/2022
What about the workers? The pandemic led to a continual discussion of working from home and its consequences for everything from domestic life to …
Taxing our 17 billionaires will not fix inequality
Shana Cohen 01/02/2022
First Published in the Irish Times 21 January 2022 The newly-released Oxfam report has asked governments to impose a one-off 99.9 per cent tax on the …
Paul Sweeney
Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …
Shana Cohen
Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …