IFSC shadow of its intended self


In an opinion piece for the Irish Times today, Jim Stewart concludes that "In the short term, changes in tax regimes raise issues for economies dependent on financial centres or low-tax regimes as a key component of economic strategy. But longer term, tax-haven type activities are unlikely to provide a basis for a diverse, skill-based economy. Such activities may attract an increasing share of resources in terms of talented individuals working on tax and regulation avoidance activities and in terms of State agencies and legislators ensuring tax and other legislation facilitates the operation of low-tax, low-regulation type activities. Such legislation may in turn unintentionally diffuse to the wider economy.

As a result of the economic and financial crisis, a new political economy is emerging within the EU. Competition for investment via low tax rates and light touch regulation may no longer be an option."
You can read Jim's full article here.

Posted in: Fiscal policyTaxation

Tagged with: tax avoidanceregulation



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