Category: Technology

Tech Alone Won't Save Us

Tyler West 24/08/2020

Background: While the belief that technology will play an increasingly central role in 21st-century life is commonly accepted, the exponential increase in technological dependence during COVID-19 has caught even technophiles off-guard. The fact that governments around the world are almost entirely reliant on smartphones to track COVID-19—a …

Ireland needs to upset the Apple cart on corporate tax

David Jacobson 26/10/2018

Ireland has been subject to a great deal of international criticism about its corporate tax regime. While Irish people might feel defensive about …

NBP: Problematic privatisation

Donal Palcic 28/09/2018

The roots of the ongoing debacle with the implementation of the National Broadband Plan (NBP) can be traced back to the privatisation of Eircom. …

Ireland Must Find its Voice in Protecting Global Privacy

Tyler West 27/05/2018

The revelation that Cambridge Analytica was able to secretly obtain millions of Facebook users’ data to assist Donald Trump’s presidential …

Time to Break Up the Monopolies

Paul Sweeney 26/05/2017

A major reform which helped saved capitalism from collapse was regular decisions to break-up trusts or large companies.  The 1890 Sherman Antitrust …

Globalisation for Slow Learners

Vic Duggan 06/05/2017

The IMF recently published its updated outlook for the global economy. The good news is that recovery from the crisis seems to be finally picking up …

Bill Gates Proposes a Tax on Robots

Paul Sweeney 22/02/2017

There has been a lot of media discussion recently about the increasing possibility of robots displacing workers. When Bill Gates, founder of …

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Kirsty Doyle

Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …

Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …
