Posts by Michael Burke

Contributor #1

Michael Burke

12.5 per cent is no solution

Michael Burke 13/04/2011

Michael Burke: The Irish Times reports that the new Taoiseach refused to countenance any upward adjustment of the corporate tax rate in exchange for …

How much is the taxpayer on the hook for?

Michael Burke 05/04/2011

Michael Burke: Frightening people into submission is a fairly easy trick. One tactic is to frighten them with an outlandish demand – then soften …

Pavlov's dogs and barking mad economics

Michael Burke 25/03/2011

Michael Burke: Ivan Pavlov and his work are widely misunderstood. In English he is most usually associated with the phrase ‘Pavlov’s Dogs’ , …

Debt-equity swap for banks won't work

Michael Burke 21/03/2011

Michael Burke: The sheer size of the bank debts being assumed by the State has led to a flurry of alternative proposals which might diminish the …

The people have spoken - but what did they say?

Michael Burke 15/03/2011

Michael Burke: The first clear message of the 2011 election was a rejection of Fianna Fáil, receiving just 17.4% of the first preference vote – …

Who benefits?

Michael Burke 10/02/2011

Michael Burke: This is from the IMF’s latest Interim Staff Report (in effect making sure the Dublin government is doing as it’s told). To quote …

Where did it all go wrong?

Michael Burke 02/02/2011

Michael Burke: The Central Bank’s latest Quarterly Bulletin contains a sharp reduction in its growth forecasts. It is now forecasting 1.0% GDP in …

The Hunt Report, and how to close the deficit

Michael Burke 11/01/2011

Michael Burke: There are many shortcomings in the Hunt Report ‘National Strategy for Higher Education’ – but one thing that’s very useful. …

Ireland needs partners, not predators

Michael Burke 04/01/2011

Michael Burke: One of the problems for those arguing for an investment-led response to the crisis is that €17.5bn of this economy's current assets …

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Jim Stewart

Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …

Kirsty Doyle

Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
