Category: Europe

The Spanish crisis, thirteen defaults to date

Tom McDonnell 10/05/2012

Tom McDonnell: As well as being World and European football champions Spain also currently holds the distinction of having the world record for …

Is Ireland achieving its targets?

Rory O'Farrell 09/05/2012

Rory O'Farrell: Sometimes in the debate on the plan with the Troika people point out that we are in recession so the plan has failed. However, the …

Euro crisis solutions: An ongoing debate

Tom McDonnell 08/05/2012

Tom McDonnell: The Irish body politic and especially its commentariat will no doubt spend the next few weeks obsessing and navel gazing over the …

Ireland's financing alternatives - the EFSF

Michael Taft, Tom McDonnell 24/04/2012

Tom McDonnell and Michael Taft: In our first post, we outlined some of Ireland’s financing alternatives; namely through the IMF and the European …

Changing the way companies are taxed

Sheila Killian 20/04/2012

Sheila Killian: As reported by the Irish Times, yesterday, the European Parliament approved a resolution proposing amendments to the CCCTB (the …

A 'closer look at Estonia'

Michael Burke 16/04/2012

Michael Burke: ‘Those who declare with infinite certainty that spending cuts and tax increases cannot work, or that there is no example of an …

The Baltic Experience

Tom McDonnell 13/04/2012

Tom McDonnell: Dan O'Brien recently argued that the Baltic countries provide good examples of the case for front loading austerity. He notes that: …

Germany in and with and for Europe

Nat O'Connor 10/04/2012

Nat O'Connor: As noted in an earlier post, it is useful to see that there is lively debate going on in Germany about Europe and alternatives to …

GDP contraction in the crisis Euro area economies

Michael Burke 02/04/2012

Michael Burke: OECD comparative data for the crisis EU countries highlights the extent of that crisis. Greece has become a by-word for the effects of …

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Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …

Jim Stewart

Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …
