Tagged with: oecd

Brexit, Income Tax and the Social Market Economy

Nat O'Connor 21/04/2017

Various lobbyists have used the opportunity of Brexit to repeat their frequent calls for Ireland to lower its income tax rates. For example, EY reported in the Irish Independent 'Slash income tax or Brexit will be wasted' 3 April 2017). Minster Noonan has indicated his desire to do so (24 Feb 2017, Irish Times) and Minister Varadkar is presented …

Bill Gates Proposes a Tax on Robots

Paul Sweeney 22/02/2017

There has been a lot of media discussion recently about the increasing possibility of robots displacing workers. When Bill Gates, founder of …

Should judges be required to publicly declare their interests?

Nuala Haughey 15/11/2016

Should judges should be obliged to make annual declarations of interests – such as property, gifts, land, and shares – in much the same way as …

Has the OECD abandoned its neo-liberal taxation policies?

Paul Sweeney 27/07/2016

Paul Sweeney: The OECD has relentlessly pursued a neo-liberal taxation policy. It seldom uses the word taxation without the appendage “burden” …

Taoiseach appears to seek Increased Public Investment, as does OECD.

Paul Sweeney 13/06/2016

Paul Sweeney: The leak in the Irish Times (13th June 2016) that the Taoiseach has written to Mr Juncker, President of the EU Commisson, on the need …

The score at half time: OECD 7, Tax Avoidance ??


Today the OECD announced the deliverables on seven of their fifteen planned actions to tackle global corporate tax avoidance. (for background, see …

OECD and tax avoidance: the story so far ...


In a webcast from Paris this afternoon, the OECD updated the world on progress on the BEPS project to date. Pascal Saint-Amans stressed the process …

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Jim Stewart

Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …

Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
