Tagged with: exchequer returns

Lies, damned lies and the Dept. of Finance's statistics

An tSaoi 06/03/2012

An Saoi: The Department of Finance has issued the February 2012 tax figures, which can be viewed here. The figures are so confusing a detailed explanatory note has been issued to explain the discrepancies. Let us start with the headline figure. It is 12.53% over profile. However we now have three different explanations as to why the figures are so …

January 2012 tax - have we reached the bottom?

An tSaoi 03/02/2012

An Saoi: The January tax figures have given the Government a bit of good news, but the question is how much? The Table below gives the figures for …

End of year Exchequer Returns 2011

An tSaoi 06/01/2012

An Saoi: You can read the Government's gloss on 2011's awful tax figures here (Slides 5-7). The tax yield has indeed risen but only after • the …

Spinning our tax wheels

Michael Taft 03/11/2011

Michael Taft: The Exchequer statement out yesterday shows tax revenue falling short of target. The headline rate shows tax revenue at end October …

June tax figures

An tSaoi 11/07/2011

An Saoi: The half year tax figures came out during the week and there have been various comments published around them. Constantin Gurdgiev’s piece …

May is a wicked month

An tSaoi 04/06/2011

An Saoi: The tax figures were released with a range of different views expressed. Read Dan O'Brien as an example of the general tenor of comment. …

April tax figures - not as good as they look

An tSaoi 05/05/2011

An Saoi: At an initial examination the April figures appear to be very good. However, at closer examination I think that there are a number of …

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Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

Robert Sweeney

Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …

Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …
