Posts by Dr David Begg

Dr David Begg
David Begg is a former CEO of Concern Worldwide and was General Secretary of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions between 2001 and 2015.
He has also been a director of the Central Bank (1995-2010), a governor of the Irish Times Trust, Non-Executive Director of Aer Lingus, a member of the National Economic and Social Council (NESC), and of the Advisory Board of Development Co-operation Ireland.
Begg holds a master’s degree in international relations from DCU and a PhD in sociology from Maynooth University.
He is a former director of TASC.
Ireland's Multi-interface Periphery Development Model
David Begg 15/06/2017
Theresa May’s election failure and Corbyn’s unexpected success have undermined the case for a hard Brexit. Her gamble to increase her majority in Parliament and thereby reduce her dependence on the extreme Eurosceptics did not pay off. A hard Brexit takes no account of the 48% of Britons who voted to stay in Europe, many of them passionate …
Why Ireland Needs a Plan B for Brexit
David Begg 10/11/2015
David Begg: The publication of a report by the ESRI suggesting that a fifth of Anglo-Irish trade could be at risk in the event of a ‘Brexit’ …
The problem with animals
David Begg 22/10/2015
David Begg: A few weeks ago I happened upon an RTÉ radio programme in which the author John Banville was talking about the genre of the Scandinavian …
A Very British Coup
David Begg 17/09/2015
David Begg: About twenty years ago a television serial entitled ‘A Very British Coup’ was screened by the BBC. It featured Ray McAnally in the …
Inequality: The gap between space travel and food banks
David Begg 28/07/2015
David Begg: It is quite interesting that the British Tory Party, which originally opposed the introduction of a minimum wage, has committed itself to …
European integration should not come at the cost of humiliating an entire people
David Begg 08/07/2015
David Begg: The Greek situation looks difficult. The economy is in danger of seizing up if the current standoff between the Greek Government and the …
What the Danish Election tells us
David Begg 29/06/2015
David Begg: The extraordinary success of the populist, anti - immigration, anti EU, Danish People’s Party (DPP) last week continues a trend in …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
Kirsty Doyle
Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …
Robert Sweeney
Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …