Category: Europe

Taoiseach appears to seek Increased Public Investment, as does OECD.

Paul Sweeney 13/06/2016

Paul Sweeney: The leak in the Irish Times (13th June 2016) that the Taoiseach has written to Mr Juncker, President of the EU Commisson, on the need …

International tax avoidance - an update


In advance of the G8, it might be useful to update what’s happening with the main international movers on the question of international tax …

Bringing Balance to Imbalance

Tom McDonnell 16/04/2013

Tom McDonnell: The results of the EU Commission's review of macroeconomic imbalances can be seen here. Andrew Watt attacks the partiality and …

What's a Euro anyway?


Is a euro in a Cypriot bank, locked down by withdrawal limits and capital controls, the same as a euro in an Irish or French bank? Is a euro sitting …

London Debt Agreement

Tom McDonnell 27/02/2013

Tom McDonnell: Today marks the 60th anniversary of the start of negotiations concerning post war debt relief for Germany. The "London Agreement on …

The Unhelpful Mister Rehn

Tom McDonnell 20/02/2013

Tom McDonnell: Mr. Rehn's recent open letter on fiscal multipliers; the effects of discretionary fiscal consolidation; and the relevance of economic …

Invoking Luther

Tom Healy 14/08/2012

Tom Healy: Writing in today's Irish Times Steven Ozment claims that German Lutheranism explains and justifies the stance of the current German …

A Path out of the Euro Crisis?

Tom McDonnell 23/07/2012

Tom McDonnell: Eurozone level policy making has been nothing short of disastrous and there is little sign of any change. Spain is moving closer by …

Taking stock


Michael O'Sullivan: We are likely not yet even halfway through the euro-zone crisis. The latest episode in this soap opera brought a reasonably happy …

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Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …

Robert Sweeney

Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …

Kirsty Doyle

Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …
