Posts by An tSaoi

Contributor #1

An tSaoi

Report of the Innovation Taskforce

An tSaoi 17/03/2010

An Saoi: I read the Report of the Innovation Taskforce and wept. The Government’s big idea is per Brian Cowan’s piece in Saturday’s Irish Times …

Tallaght Hospital controversy: An apposite quote

An tSaoi 14/03/2010

An Saoi: I recently came across the following comment from an interview with Dr. Giovanni Berlinguer, professor of Social Medicine and younger …

Cáin feabhra

An tSaoi 04/03/2010

An Saoi: The underlying tax figures for February are dire. Just look at the income tax figures. February is the month when employers send in their …

Ireland's private debt - is it time to default?

An tSaoi 26/02/2010

An Saoi: The Central Bank estimates that Irish private debt is €372,000M. The funding of this massive amount is rapidly going to become the key …

Basel III, pensions and the recapitalisation of Irish banks

An tSaoi 11/02/2010

An Saoi: Wednesday’s Financial Times had a very interesting article on proposed changes in banking rules under Basel III. Sensibly, the Bank of …

Lies, damned lies and statistics: car scrappage scheme

An tSaoi 04/02/2010

An Saoi: On Tuesday morning Alan Nolan of the Society of the Irish Motor Industry was on Morning Ireland and made reference to the increase in car …

Where have all the taxes gone?

An tSaoi 02/02/2010

An Saoi: Today’s tax figures were a shock, even to me. Perhaps I shouldn’t have been so surprised as the Central Bank’s report for December had …


An tSaoi 24/01/2010

An Saoi: The recently published inflation figures set me thinking as to how they are calculated here and in various other countries. Thankfully each …

VAT and local authorities

An tSaoi 23/01/2010

An Saoi: We were directed by Europe some time ago that VAT must be charged by Local Authorities on certain services such as parking, waste disposal …

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Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

Kirsty Doyle

Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …
