Category: Europe

Coronavirus, Solidarity and an Emerging Eurozone Crisis

Jim Stewart 10/04/2020

The Coronavirus crisis has become the news.    Like the virus, it is spreading from detailed public health analysis and discussion to …

Reforming the EU

Paul Sweeney 07/01/2020

An EU rule which must be radically reformed is the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP). It is a set of rules intended to ensure member states in the …


Paul Sweeney 24/04/2019

I am writing this in the south west of France, in one of the many villages which were walled to protect from neighbours, looking out at the …

Ireland and EU Corporate Tax Reform: Part II

Jim Stewart 13/05/2018

 Ireland and EU Corporate Tax Reform: The Sovereignty Argument.   As noted in a previous blog, the Irish Governments maintains that tax reform …

Ireland and EU Corporate Tax Reform

Jim Stewart 03/05/2018

Corporate tax reform is a key objective of EU policy. Examples include proposals for a harmonized corporate tax system (Common Corporate Tax Base …

Many Lessons from the Carrillion Collapse

Paul Sweeney 23/01/2018

Many Lessons from the Carrillion Collapse.  The collapse of the huge construction and outsourcing company, Carrillion, in Britain, has many lessons …

The new European Pillar of Social Rights should help address Inequalities

Paul Sweeney 30/11/2017

On 17 November, A European Pillar of Social Rights was declared  in Gothenburg by the European Parliament, Council and Commission. This Pillar …

Should Ireland Stay in the EU?

Nat O'Connor 04/07/2017

Former Irish ambassador Ray Bassett has written a detailed report for the UK think-tank Policy Exchange entitled After Brexit, Will Ireland be Next …

Ireland's Multi-interface Periphery Development Model

David Begg 15/06/2017

Theresa May’s election failure and Corbyn’s unexpected success have undermined the case for a hard Brexit. Her gamble to increase her majority in …

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Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …

Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …
