Category: Democratic accountability

Ethics law needs to set the tone for standards in public life

Nuala Haughey 12/01/2017

Issues of ethics in public office are enjoying a rare moment in the spotlight with the ongoing discussion over US President-elect Donald Trump’s …

Leave no trace? How to combat off the record government

Nuala Haughey 13/12/2016

When we think of government record keeping it often conjures up images of dusty archives stuffed with crumbling paper documents. While historical …

Should judges be required to publicly declare their interests?

Nuala Haughey 15/11/2016

Should judges should be obliged to make annual declarations of interests – such as property, gifts, land, and shares – in much the same way as …

Insider lobbying and transparency - the hidden influence of expert and advisory groups

Nuala Haughey 18/10/2016

Nuala Haughey: After a full year in operation, the legislation behind Ireland’s lobbying transparency regime is being reviewed by the Department of …

The “Sharing” Economy is based on a Fissured Workplace

Paul Sweeney 10/08/2016

Paul Sweeney: Uber and Airbnb are not the Sharing Economy. Instead, they represent a rapid increase in the “Fissured Workplace”. This …

Teething pains of lobbying transparency register

Nuala Haughey 29/06/2016

Nuala Haughey: The first official report on the workings of the Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015 offers important insights into how the new …

The Benefits of the Benefacts database

Nuala Haughey 18/05/2016

Nuala Haughey: A new database of information about some 18,000 non-profit organisations in Ireland will no doubt contribute to the drive for more …

Thomas Piketty in The Financial Times and Tax Transparency

Nat O'Connor 26/05/2014

Nat O'Connor: It's an old stereotype that you can tell who are the serious left-wing economists by whether or not they read The Financial Times. The …

Tax transparency: a step change or climate change?


The OECD has another new report out today on tax transparency, this time to tie in to the G8 meeting in Enniskillen. Formally, this report was …

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Kirsty Doyle

Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …

Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …
