Posts by Dr Eoin Reeves

Dr Eoin Reeves
Eoin Reeves is head of the Department of Economics at UL and Director of the Privatisation and PPP Research Group. His research interests lie primarily in the economics of infrastructure and the public-private mix in public service delivery. This includes issues such as privatisation, liberalisation, and different forms of private sector participation in the delivery of public services.
Eoin has published a number of economic studies of such reforms in edited books and international peer-reviewed journals. These include analysis of the privatisation of state owned enterprises (Annals of Public and Co-operative Economics, Telecommunications Policy), employee share ownership in the context of privatisation (Economic and Industrial Democracy, Employee Relations), contracting out public services (Economic and Social Review), PPP in schools (Public Administration, Public Money and Management) and PPP in Water Services (Economic and Social Review). He recently co-authored a book titled Privatisation in Ireland – Lessons from a European Economy.
Now inevitable that public money will be wasted on rural broadband
Donal Palcic, Eoin Reeves 29/11/2018
The decision to continue with the procurement of the national broadband plan (NBP) is not a surprise as the main findings of the review by Peter Smyth have been signalled for over a week. Nevertheless it is difficult to understand why the Government has chosen to persist with a procurement that cannot be justified in economic terms. It is inevitab …
ESB should build broadband network in co-operation with other State utilities
Donal Palcic, Eoin Reeves 19/10/2018
Last week’s controversial resignation of minister Denis Naughten is generally believed to have thrown the National Broadband Plan (NBP) into …
Transparency Will be Key to Delivering the National Investment Plan
Eoin Reeves 28/02/2018
The new national development plan Project Ireland 2040 could very well be a game changer in terms of Ireland’s future economic prospects. …
Independent Review of Ireland’s PPP Experience is Essential
Eoin Reeves 21/10/2015
Eoin Reeves: A largely unnoticed feature of the government’s new €27 billion capital investment plan – Building on Recovery -is the decision …
More Light Touch Regulation? Dublin's Waste Collection Market
Eoin Reeves 25/01/2010
Eoin Reeves: In late December 2009 the Irish Times reported that High Court judge (Mr Justice Liam McKechnie) ruled that Dublin’s four local …
Paul Sweeney
Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …
Sean McCabe
Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …
Kirsty Doyle
Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …