Posts by MP Stella Creasy


MP Stella Creasy

Stella Creasy is the Labour and Co-Operative MP for Walthamstow, first elected in 2010.

She has held a variety of positions within the Labour party, first as Parliamentary Private Secretary to the shadow Education Secretary Andy Burnham, and then in 2011 as a shadow Home Office Minister for crime prevention, in Ed Miliband’s first reshuffle. She ran for the deputy leadership of the party in 2015, coming second. She is currently Chair of Labour Movement for Europe and has campaigned for a continued relationship with the EU and against Brexit induced parliamentary deregulation.

She is an avid campaigner and contributor to debates. Most notably, in July 2019 she put forward the amendment which proposed that if the Northern Ireland Assembly was not restored by October that Westminster would legalise abortion in the country. Other campaigns include sexual harassment, childcare provision, and MotheRED – a campaign to financially support mums to be selected and elected as Labour Party candidates in the next General Election. She has also avidly campaigned against ‘legal loan sharks’, introducing a Ten-Minute-Rule Bill to cap the cost of credit to avoid extortionate rates and force the Government to tighten restrictions.

What Is The Point? The Difference The Left Can Make

Stella Creasy 16/10/2023

In his essay Ireland, Island of Saints and Sages James Joyce quotes Oscar Wilde saying ‘We Irishmen have done nothing, but we are the greatest talkers since the time of the Greeks.’ Now I know its bold to start a speech criticising a national icon, so I’m going to focus on the second half and our Q&A! I’ve titled todays ‘what's the …

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