State Investment Bank

Sean Ó Riain31/10/2011

Sean O Riain: Michael O’Sullivan and I have an article in today’s Irish Times arguing for a state investment bank. Some links to supporting materials are below.

Allocation of bank lending by sector and poor investment record is discussed here

Role of the state and the weakness of private sector in providing ‘productive investment’ from 2000-8 is documented by Rossa White of Davys here

Patrick Honohan's QEC article on the limited role of finance in Ireland’s economic success of the 1990s is here

Research on the effectiveness of grant aid:
Manufacturing in the 1980s:
O’Malley, E., K.A. Kennedy, and R. O’Donnell. 1992. Report to the Industrial Policy Review Group on the Impact of the Industrial Development Agencies Dublin, Stationery Office (not available online)

Software in the 1990s:
Ó Riain, S. 2004. The Politics of High Tech Growth: Developmental Network States in the Global Economy (Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences 23) New York/ Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (this link to the most relevant parts vis google books may work)

Manufacturing in the 1990s:
Girma, S., H. Gorg, E. Strobl, F. Walsh, 2008. “Creating jobs through public subsidies: An empirical analysis” Labour Economics 15, 6, 1179-1199

Already noted above, this piece provides data on how state funding stimulated private investment funding in the late 1990s and after the bubble.

Posted in: Banking and financeInvestment

Tagged with: bankinginvestment



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