Posts by Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney @paulsweeneyman
Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a President of the Statistical and Social Enquiry Society of Ireland, former member of the Economic Committee of the ETUC, a member of the National Competitiveness Council of Ireland, the National Statistics Board, the ESB, TUAC, (advisor to OECD) and several other bodies. He has written three books on the Irish economy and two on public enterprise, including The Celtic Tiger; Ireland’s Economic Miracle Explained and Selling Out: Privatisation in Ireland, chapters in other books and many articles on economics.
IMF Study of Downward Share of Labour Income is Recognition of the Major Economic Issue of our Time
Paul Sweeney 15/05/2017
A new IMF study of the downward share of labour income is some more recognition by the elite of a major economic and social issue of our time. With …
Good News on the Economy from Europe but a Warning?
Paul Sweeney 27/04/2017
There is some good news on the Irish economy from Eurostat. But hidden in the text is a warning to another member state, Luxembourg, that may …
There is no “value for money” in giving away public assets for nothing
Paul Sweeney 23/04/2017
The Minister for Health Simon Harris insists that “his ‘golden share’ in the new €300 million State-funded national maternity hospital means …
Policing Costs €1.6bn in 2017
Paul Sweeney 04/04/2017
With the many controversies around the very poor management of the Guards, it is worth seeing what the Irish policing service costs . This cost is of …
The Daniel O'Donnell Income Effect
Paul Sweeney 23/03/2017
They say if Daniel O’Donnell left Donegal, the average income in the county would fall. It is still low even with Daniel living there. Average …
Beacon South Quarter crisis reflects the worst of Turbo Capitalism
Paul Sweeney 16/03/2017
De-regulation, privatisation, outsourcing, low taxes, bad housing policy, speculation, regressive tax policy, and poor public services reflect turbo …
Time to make AIB an Irish citizens' bank
Paul Sweeney 13/03/2017
The Government strategy for privatising AIB has focused solely on the art of the deal – the price, how much to sell, and when to sell our 99 per …
Bill Gates Proposes a Tax on Robots
Paul Sweeney 22/02/2017
There has been a lot of media discussion recently about the increasing possibility of robots displacing workers. When Bill Gates, founder of …
Ireland’s New Capital Investment Plan and its New Industrial Strategy
Paul Sweeney 19/02/2017
A major speech made by the Taoiseach last Thursday 16th February on proposed changes in Irish economic policy was lost in the chatter about his …
Robert Sweeney
Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …
Sean McCabe
Sean holds an B.Sc in Applied Physics from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. in …
Vic Duggan
Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …