Category: Banking and finance

Irish version Inflation and the Strongest Recovery since WW2

Paul Sweeney 24/06/2021

Inflation is rearing its ugly head again, especially with soaring commodity prices. Inflation was very high in the 1970s and 1980s but it was both …

The German Constitutional Court Decision and the ECB

Jim Stewart 25/06/2020

Ireland and other EU countries face many uncertainties relating to outcomes from Covid  19  and  Brexit.  To these must be added …

Ireland after the virus

Derek Reed 17/04/2020

What are the options when the needs of the economy are great, and urgent, and the Government’s coffers are empty? The Central Bank forecasts that …

Non-mortgage debt and financial wellbeing of Irish households

Amie Lajoie 13/04/2020

  Ireland has the fifth highest rate of personal indebtedness in Europe, and living with debt is a daily reality for over half of all Irish …

Ireland’s route from boom to bubble to bust

Paul Sweeney 15/10/2019

Ireland’s volatile economic path of recent decades has wider European policy implications  The ‘Celtic Tiger’, Ireland’s rapid …

A Pivotal Moment?

Paul Sweeney 17/06/2019

Phillip Lane, departing governor of the financial regulator, the Central Bank, wrote a farewell letter to the government calling for the cap on bank …

Will the Rainy Day Fund Become Another Corporate Bailout?

Paul Sweeney 03/09/2018

The last National Pension Reserve Fund was raided & most of it was squandered. Ireland had a Sovereign Wealth Fund – 1% of GNP plus profits …

Time for Ireland to Act Honourably on Corporation Tax

Proinnsias Breathnach 22/02/2018

This is a reproduction of an article published previously on the Ireland After NAMA blog site.   The recent World Economic Forum at Davos brought …

Many Lessons from the Carrillion Collapse

Paul Sweeney 23/01/2018

Many Lessons from the Carrillion Collapse.  The collapse of the huge construction and outsourcing company, Carrillion, in Britain, has many lessons …

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Paul Sweeney

Paul Sweeney is former Chief Economist of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. He was a …

Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …

Kirsty Doyle

Kirsty Doyle is a Researcher at TASC, working in the area of health inequalities. She is …
