Category: Banking and finance

MOU for Spain

Tom McDonnell 11/07/2012

Tom McDonnell: The Spanish Memorandum of understanding is here. EL Pais has distilled it down to 32 key points here. Eurointelligence helpfully …

Can the Eurozone be saved?

Tom McDonnell 10/07/2012

Tom McDonnell: Spanish 10-year bonds are now over 7.1%. It looks like there will be a Spanish National Asset Management Agency (SNAMA) set up as a …

Guest post by Arthur Doohan: The facts about LIBOR

Arthur Doohan 09/07/2012

Arthur Doohan: Personally, I love a good conspiracy theory even though most of them can’t take a rinse let alone a serious ‘spin-cycle’. But …

Euro Crisis, Causes and Solutions

Tom McDonnell 03/07/2012

Tom McDonnell: Despite the developments at last week's EU summit we remain a long, long way from a successful resolution of the Euro crisis. My own …

Guest post by Martin O'Dea: A simple suggestion

Martin O'Dea 14/06/2012

Martin O'Dea: Forgetting banking debt and its link to sovereign debt and resolutions required around this issue and just dealing with excessive …

Fiddling while Europe burns

Paul Sweeney 07/06/2012

Paul Sweeney: Today’s Financial Times tells us that in an effort to persuade Spain to accept a bailout, “unlike earlier bailouts for Greece, …

Ireland and EFSF access

Tom McDonnell 21/05/2012

Tom McDonnell: It was pointed out on this blog a few weeks ago that Ireland would be able to obtain access to new funding from the EFSF provided the …

New Department of Finance Economics and Banking Divisions

Nat O'Connor 11/05/2012

Nat O'Connor: The Department of Finance has established an Economics Division to focus on economic planning and performance monitoring. (RTÉ report …

The Promissory Notes: Deal or No Deal? No Deal

Tom McDonnell 02/05/2012

Tom McDonnell: The ECB has informed the Irish Examiner that the Irish Government has submitted no documentation to the bank pertaining to …

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Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …

Jim Stewart

Dr Jim Stewart is Adjunct Associate Professor at Trinity College Dublin. His research …

Robert Sweeney

Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …
