Tagged with: growth

GDP and its alternatives

Robert Sweeney 04/04/2018

Perhaps no other single number or indicator receives as much attention as the total output of an economy. The standard measure for this is gross domestic product, or GDP. GDP, however, is unfit for purpose in Ireland, and increasingly elsewhere. Here we will discuss some of the issues surrounding GDP, and proposals to move beyond it.   There are …

A Progressive Development (growth) Policy for Europe

Paul Sweeney 29/11/2016

Did you know that last year 22.9 million people in the EU were unemployed, of which, a staggering 10.9 million people were long-term unemployed. At …

Debt, Growth and Coding Errors

Tom McDonnell 17/04/2013

Tom McDonnell: Reinhart and Rogoff's finding that the growth rate starts to decline once the public debt to GDP ratio exceeds 90% has become embraced …

Launch of NERI Quarterly Economic Observer/Facts


The NERI has published, today, its fourth Quarterly Economic Observer (QEO) along with the latest Quarterly Economic Facts (QEF). A link to the full …

The advocates of austerity are now calling for growth

Paul Sweeney 20/06/2012

Paul Sweeney: When all of the advocates of austerity are now calling for growth as well as more cuts, is it no wonder the public is confused? The …

A new deal is required

Tom McDonnell 01/12/2011

Tom McDonnell: On Monday and Tuesday we will be treated to the latest instalments of the austerity show. While the structural deficit does need to be …

Budget 2012 - Choices

Tom McDonnell 28/11/2011

Tom McDonnell: According to Eurostat, Ireland will have the lowest rate of gross fixed capital formation in the EU next year (see pages 68-69 of the …

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Shana Cohen

Dr. Shana Cohen is the Director of TASC. She studied at Princeton University and at the …

Vic Duggan

Vic Duggan is an independent consultant, economist and public policy specialist catering …

Robert Sweeney

Robert Sweeney is a policy analyst at TASC and focuses on issues surrounding Irish …
