The Flourishing Society - Introduction

03 October 2011

Human flourishing is the end of all political, social, economic and political activity.

If any activity is known to be harmful to the overall well-being of human beings, or any of one person or group in society, then it should be opposed and ended. It is, therefore, of first importance to ensure that the vision of human flourishing is articulated and kept clearly in view at all times. It is vital that all our public activity – political, social, economic and cultural- is measured regularly to assess what progress is being made towards the fulfilment of the vision.

The contributions in this publication are written to assist in the articulation of such a vision and to essay what might be involved in the Irish context in achieving a ‘flourishing society’.

The focus is upon articulating a new vision and indicating strategic and practical steps towards achieving such a vision: there have been many excellent analysis of the causes and consequences of the collapse of the ‘neo-liberal’ economic model.

This publication is intended to help develop a sustainable alternative.

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